Thursday 14 February 2013

What is it all about? Please tell me....

I have noticed that alot of the time, we spend in life saying what cannot be done.....
As a relentless optimist, and annoyingly cheerful person at the most unfortunate point where I cross paths with misery laden souls; I ponder how utterly different life would be if for just one day everyone took to looking at all things in the most positive light they could. I mean that, and this is not a slight on those with real problems, but why not try it?
You have nothing to loose. Except some worry lines or a small modicum of smug delight in being as miserable as possible.
I can say this.... because I have had a bad week, not just in that someone nicked my parking space (they couldn't do that I don't have a car). Or someone ate all the chocolate cookies (I'm allergic to biscuits). But that the boiler broke totally on the coldest day of the year, I went to a funeral, and I had someone crying on my shoulder who was actually in need: kind of puts it into perspective doesn't it?
So I decided to count up all the good things. Because there are always alot more than you think! And remember that however bad any one thing is, it will pass.
Today the sun is shining. I will put it on my list of good things, smile, and look for others to add to it.
So here is a little good thing while I remember: Please note down voucher code VG39G and click link to get a FREE copy of my ebook
Not Without My Cat

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Happy Valentine's Day!!!

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